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NCSC European Cyber Security month invitation : Webinar : NIS2 implementation – a preview Friday

Dear INEX members, 

October 2023 is European CyberSecurity month.  

Brendan Ring of NCSC, 
the Irish National Cyber Security Centre https://www.ncsc.gov.ie kindly issued the following webinar invitation to INEX members, many of whom are subject to this legislation.  

Jan 23 started the Irish implementation of NIS2D Directive EU 2022/2555 measures for a high common level of Cybersecurity across the Union, expected adoption by Oct 2024.  .  

“NIS 2 implementation – a preview”  register here :https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Uo5Ab6wUSWOTCa9sjVgTtg#/registration

The webinar is scheduled for Friday October 20th at 1pm Irish time.

We are happy to facilitate sharing this information and would suggest any Irish based members attend to gain direct insight from the Ireland NCSC on National NIS2 implementation in 2024.

Clodagh Durkan

ISMS Manager, INEX