[ixpmanager] Core Bundles IXPMv6 - Transition from Interswitch links

Barry O'Donovan (INEX) barry.odonovan at inex.ie
Thu Dec 16 14:07:21 GMT 2021

Hi Marinos,

thanks for the reply and clarification:

Marinos Dimolianis wrote on 13/12/2021 10:32:
> In IXPManager v5.8, in order to plot our core links, we defined them as 
> trunk graphs in skins/grix/services/graphe/mrtg/trunks.foil.php.

So, say you named one of these 'core-pop1-pop2'.

On your mrtg data folder, you'd have a file trunks/core-pop1-pop2.log 
with the historical data. Then:

> In IXPManager v6.0, we are going to use the Core Bundles feature and we 
> were wondering if there is a way not to lose traffic data that was 
> collected.

When you create a core bundle and look at it in IXP Manager, you'll have 
a URL like:


The '15' here is the database ID of the core bundle and this translates 
to mrtg as two files:


The sides is the direction of traffic / where the snmp data is polled 
from. It should be clear which side is which from the UI at the above URL.

To retain the data, copy the old log file to the appropriate sidea / 
sideb file after you create the core bundle in IXP Manager and MRTG 
reconfigures itself.

Hope that helps,

  - Barry

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