[ixpmanager] IXPManager 6.0.0 - Issue with Fanout port

Marinos Dimolianis mdimolianis at netmode.ntua.gr
Wed Dec 22 11:53:58 GMT 2021

Hi all,

We (in GRIX) upgraded recently IXPManager to version 6.0.0 and we bumped 
into a strange issue.

We changed the port of a resold customer to a new one and  also the 
corresponding fanout port of the reseller.

Upon saving the new changes we received the following SQL error:

Server Error :: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`ixpmanager6`.`physicalinterface`, CONSTRAINT `FK_5FFF4D60BFDF15D5` FOREIGN KEY (`virtualinterfaceid`) REFERENCES `virtualinterface` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) (SQL: update `physicalinterface` set `virtualinterfaceid` = 150, `speed` = 1000, `status` = 1, `duplex` = full, `physicalinterface`.`updated_at` = 2021-12-22 11:35:39 where `id` = 365)

Since then, we are not able to edit the port configuration of the resold 
customer, receiving the following:

Any ideas?


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