[ixpmanager] MRTG graphs: what is included in overall peering graphs?

Michel Lanners michel.lanners at lu-cix.lu
Wed Aug 2 11:03:44 IST 2023

Hello all,

Before completing our “special” config for members coming in from remote IXPs, but through a single L2 port on a single VLAN, I’d like to understand which ports are counted in the overall peering graphs. We use the workaround of “virtual” fanout switches to connect individual remote members each to their own port, to circumvent the one port - one member rule. But of course our “virtual” fanout switches cannot be polled for traffic counters.

member status has to be “normal”
member type: “full” and “pro bono” are certainly counted; “associate” is not expected to have a port, and what about “internal”?
for the remote members we started to use the reseller functionality (which may or may not be a good idea). How are the ports involved in resellers counted:
the reseller may have regular peering ports - I expect them to be counted
the reseller should have reseller uplink port(s) - are they counted in the totals?
I have a hard time understanding and configuring the fanout ports - the doc talks about linking them to peering ports - but which peering ports? How can I make sure the resold members are counted in the graphs?

If in the end the reseller functionality is of no help, but rather complicates things, I might as well remove it - it was an attempt to make it obvious that the remote members from one remote IX somehow belong together behind a certain remote link, comparable to resold members behind a reseller uplink port.

Thanks and cheers


CIO at LU-CIX Management G.I.E.
Mail: michel.lanners at lu-cix.lu <mailto:michel.lanners at lu-cix.lu>
Phone: (+352) 28 99 29 92-81
LU-CIX Management G.I.E.
202, Z.A.E. Wolser F
L-3290 Bettembourg
lu-cix.lu <https://www.lu-cix.lu/>
luxembourg-internet-days.com <https://luxembourg-internet-days.com/>
lunog.lu <https://www.lunog.lu/>
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