[ixpmanager] MC - LAG at IXP Manager

Nick Hilliard (INEX) nick at inex.ie
Tue May 24 12:07:57 IST 2022

Marinos Dimolianis wrote on 24/05/2022 11:32:
> IXPM allows me to define and store such a connection, however I get a 
> warning message that this is not supported by the IXPM.
> So my question is related to what exactly is not supported by the IXPM?

Hi Marinos,

various APIs (including IX-F export), graphing, and probably more.  The 
data model was not designed with MCLAG in mind because this involves a 
fairly serious degree of complication. You're correct that you can 
configure it; the warning is in place because it was written out of the 
design, it hasn't been tested in any way and it will probably cause 
problems if you attempt to do anything with the data outputs for mclag 


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