[ixpmanager] Error deleting user

Mauricio Oviedo mauricio at socium.cr
Thu Oct 28 04:42:45 IST 2021

Hi folks,

After trying to delete a user, we got the following SQL error:

ERROR 1451 (23000): Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`ixpmanager`.`log`, CONSTRAINT `log_user_id_foreign` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`))

Running the command directly in MYSQL on a copy of the database shows the same issue, and the user remains in the database.

The result is that the users view is now broken, showing the error:

Message: Undefined array key ""
Location: /srv/ixpmanager/resources/views/user/index.foil.php:90

Could you pls provide any pointers on how to fix it/prevent from happening again?

SO: Ubuntu 20.04
IXPM: 6.1.0

Thanks for your help,
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