[ixpmanager] IRRDB error handling

Pete Ashdown pashdown at xmission.com
Mon Mar 15 20:34:23 GMT 2021

I tried to take my install to v5.1.0 and step #4 bombed out after it had 
downgraded numerous libraries.


On 3/14/21 4:24 PM, Nick Hilliard wrote:
> Pete Ashdown wrote on 14/03/2021 22:12:
>> Is there a single update script available for v5.x? Especially if we 
>> used the single installation script as suggested?
> nope, unfortunately not.  There were manual steps which needed to be 
> handled at various .dot release points, so it wasn't possible to 
> automate this fully.  If I understand it correctly, this should be 
> much better in the up-coming version of IXP Manager, which has 
> migrated away from doctrine to eloquent for the ORM layer.
> This means that for 5.x, you need to go through each of 5.1 -> 5.2 -> 
> 5.3 -> etc in turn.
> There are situations where you could skip individual dot versions, but 
> we don't recommend it.  It's safer to go through the lot.
> Nick

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