[ixpmanager] Looking Glass Issues with BIRD 1.6.8 / CentOS 7 Hosts

Jason Gintert jason.gintert at ohioix.net
Mon Jan 4 20:28:04 GMT 2021


That’s exactly what it is. That is why it works on the RC which we just built which is autogenerated but doesn’t work on the RSes which were deployed by hand and have been running for some time. Thank you very much for your time looking at this, we’ll get things upgraded and moved to automating the BIRD config.

Thank you!

Jason Gintert
Technical Committee | Ohio IX
noc at ohioix.net
On Jan 4, 2021, 6:01 AM -0500, Nick Hilliard <nick at foobar.org>, wrote:
> Jason Gintert wrote on 03/01/2021 18:19:
> > Output below. I’ll talk to the team about getting the upgrades scheduled.
> > [...]
> > {"api":{"from_cache":false,"ttl_mins":2,"version":"1.2.2","max_routes":1000},"protocols":{"R11685x1":{"protocol":"R11685x1","bird_protocol":"BGP","table":"T11685","state":"up","state_changed":"2020-10-07T06:44:51+00:00","connection":"
> > Established ","description":"Port12 (Huntington) - Peer
> > 1","preference":100,"input_filter":"ACCEPT","output_filter":"ACCEPT","import_limit":100,"limit_action":"restart","route_changes":{"import_updates":{"received":1,"rejected":0,"filtered":0,"ignored":0,"accepted":1},"import_withdraws":{"received":0,"rejected":0,"ignored":0,"accepted":0},"export_updates":{"received":2936856,"rejected":1,"filtered":0,"accepted":2936855},"export_withdraws":{"received":1704973,"accepted":1704973}},"bgp_state":"Established","neighbor_address":"","neighbor_as":11685,"neighbor_id":"","neighbor_capabilities":["refresh","enhanced-refresh","restart-able","AS4"],"bgp_session":["external","route-server","AS4"],"source_address":"","route_limit_at":1,"hold_timer":180,"hold_timer_now":158,"keepalive":60,"keepalive_now":39},"R13335x1":
> From the output here, it looks like Birdseye is configured correctly.
> Probably what's happening here is that you're using your own RS
> configuration rather than using the config that IXP Manager generates.
> The problem here is that bird allows arbitrarily complicated policy
> configuration, and it's not possible to semantically parse what's going
> on inside the config, or why the config is written in a particular way.
> IXP Manager expects that the output from the API matches what it would
> have generated via its own RS / RC configuration files, and if the two
> don't match (i.e. the tokens used for pipes / tables), then it won't
> work properly.
> Nick
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