[ixpmanager] Perl Modules for sflow

Nick Hilliard (INEX) nick at inex.ie
Mon Feb 15 23:03:04 GMT 2021

Ian Chilton wrote on 15/02/2021 21:18:
> One slight shame is that it requires mrtg, which as per the other thread 
> doesn’t need to be on that host, but otherwise ok.

eh yeah.  This is because snmp libraries are all awful and guaranteed to 
cause headaches, but the one included with mrtg is marginally less awful 
than most of the others in a way that seemed to matter when this code 
was written.  I've forgotten the exact details, but it included problems 
like some snmp libraries using "@" as an internal delimiter, which meant 
that you couldn't query cisco vlans - that sort of thing.

The long term fix is that we need to move away from perl. Part of this 
move has been drafted:

> https://github.com/nickhilliard/OSS_SNMP/blob/fdb-trawl/src/OSS_SNMP/MIBS/FDB.php

This is the library part of the dread update-l2database.pl.

The intention here is to move this into artisan, and that would end most 
of the more complex perl lib requirements on the perl side of things - 
the sflow parsers are quite a bit simpler in terms of library requirements.


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