[ixpmanager] AS112 <> RouteServer not working

Nick Hilliard (INEX) nick at inex.ie
Wed Sep 30 16:30:35 IST 2020

Moritz Frenzel wrote on 30/09/2020 12:32:
> However the config we get from ixpmanager doesn't contain a neighbor for 
> the routeserver on as112 nor for as112 on the routeservers, but 
> generates a valid config for all other peers.

you're missing the physical port for the as112 server.  This hints to 
the templating mechanism whether the port is Connected or in quarantine.

If you're hosting this on a VM, probably the best thing to do would be 
to create a dummy, non-existent interface somewhere and associate the 
port profile with that.


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