[ixpmanager] League table

Mario Klobucar Mario.Klobucar at srce.hr
Mon Mar 23 08:38:41 GMT 2020



I am trying to calculate how much data is crossing exchange (or port).


When I look at one member port I am getting different results for one day.

a)       When I take daily avg for that port and then calculate 24*3000/8 I
am geting 47.89 TB

b)      When I look at league table I am getting 84.62 TB

c)       When I look at LibreNms and avg there I am getting 55.62.TB


There is a huge difference in calcuating from awg and league table data.


Can someone explain me why is there difference, and more important which
metod should I use for calculating data that is passing exchange.




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