[ixpmanager] Birdseye Looking Glass error version.

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Mon Apr 13 13:20:25 IST 2020

On 13 Apr 2020, at 13:27, Ikusan Charles Abimbola wrote:

> This is a new installation we are working and soon be deployed before 
> the end of next month.
> I have the below standardise time formats include but shows the same 
> version error.
> Is there anything I'm not putting right this time?

to be clear, that’s not really a “version” error.  it just means 
that there was no response back to call for what the version_id is.  
that could be because of many reasons, and you need to look through your 
install to ensure that it’s been configured accordingly.  it might 
help if you think through the procedure in its entirety, and check each 
step before proceeding to the next.  broadly speaking, the object of the 
exercise is to enable your ixpmanager host to get a view of what’s 
happening on the RS.  to do that, the RS runs a simple webserver, and 
answers calls made to this, so:

# is the birdseye config on each RS setup accurately?  d/check here:  
https://github.com/inex/birdseye to ensure that you’ve setup the dns 
names, and the .env as appropriate.  usually, the BIRDC environemnt 
variable is the easy thing to forget to do correctly ..
# is the webserver setup correctly on your RS?  eg.  did you remember to 
change the working directory as appropriate
# can you simulate a http(s) call from the ixpmanager host, to the RS?   
if you encounter an error, what do the logs for your httpd show?


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