[ixpmanager] Nagios Birdseye Daemon Monitoring Template Problem

Kyle Spencer kyle at stormzero.com
Wed Jan 24 09:05:48 GMT 2018

I am having problems deploying the Birdseye Daemon Nagios template
according to the instructions here:

I've downloaded the appropriate template via the API, created the host
and service definitions as instructed by the template header, and
installed a configuration. When I try to switch on Nagios, I get the
following error:

nagios[15732]: Error: Service check command
'check_birdseye_daemon!$_HOSTAPIURL$' specified in service 'Bird BGP
Service' for host 'bird-rs1-ddc-ipv4' not defined anywhere!

It seems that the relevant Nagios check command needs to be
established, but there's no indication in the documentation (that I
see) about what the nature of that check command should be and whether
or not it requires any plugins. I also note that the plugins directory
(referenced in the docs) does not include anything related to
Birdseye: https://github.com/barryo/nagios-plugins

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