[ixpmanager] Reseller Functionality

Mike Hammett ixp-manager at ics-il.net
Thu Apr 13 20:38:54 IST 2017


I had some questions about the intended use of the reseller functionality. 

Do they have any ability to create their own customers or am I creating and entering everything into IXP Manager and they just get to view the related information in their panel? 

Is the information the reseller sees about the resold customer limited to a list of the active customers? 

I set "reseller.no_billing_for_resold_customers = false" in .env, but I didn't see any extra information on the resold customers. 

Not so much requesting functionality as tryign to understand what's supposed to be there. Well, resellers being able to add customers on "their" fanout switches on their own would be nice. I have no idea how much that work that is or if it's even something other people could see a use for. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

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