[ixpmanager] Update from PeeringDB

Arnold Nipper arnold at nipper.de
Thu May 11 12:07:32 IST 2023

On 05.05.2023 22:09, Richard Laager via ixpmanager wrote:

> Yes, my request is for importing AS-SET and max-prefix information from PeeringDB into IXP Manager.

I've hacked a q&d bash script which takes the asn from your IX-F JSON 
and retrieves AS-SET and max-prefix information from PeeringDB formatted 
as TSV. You know better how to import this information into IXP Manager.

Keep calm, keep distance, keep connected!

Arnold Nipper
email: arnold at nipper.de
mobile: +49 172 2650958

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#! /bin/bash
# Arnold Nipper, arnold at nipper.de

# Your "ixp_id". This is to single out the IXP in question if you have multiple IXP in one IX-F JSON

# (public) URL to your IXF-JSON

# Compile a list of ASN connected to your IXP
ASNLIST=$(curl -sGL "${URL}" | jq -r -c '[.member_list[] | select (.connection_list[].ixp_id == '$IXPID') | .asnum] | unique | @csv')

# echo $ASNLIST;exit

# Retrieve asn, max_pref (IPv4, IPv6), as-set from PeeringDB

curl -sG https://www.peeringdb.com/api/net \
 --data-urlencode asn__in=$ASNLIST \
 --data-urlencode fields=asn,irr_as_set,info_prefixes4,info_prefixes6 \
 | jq -r '.data[] | .asn, .irr_as_set, .info_prefixes4, .info_prefixes6' \
 | paste - - - - \
 | sort -n
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