[ixpmanager] port utilisation and mariadb

Barry O'Donovan (INEX) barry.odonovan at inex.ie
Sun Jan 23 10:22:14 GMT 2022

Hi Peter,

Peter via ixpmanager wrote on 23/01/2022 09:40:
> Stats are now available but is it the correct solution and would it
> work for MySQL which supports the function anyway?

Yeah, I'm afraid so. This has come up before but it's been a while. I 
guess the issue for you is you were upgrading from an much older version.

Once upon a time (I think we're going back to v3.x here!), we tried to 
be agnostic about MariaDB vs. MySQL and, at the time, half the world was 
switching with MariaDB in fear over Sun's stewardship of MySQL.

These fears were mostly put to bed and, MySQL and MariaDB diverged from 
the original goals (as I understood them) of functional equivalence. 
Perhaps the goals were initial functional equivalence for migration - I 
can't remember to be honest.

Anyway, the long and short of it is that since v5 (maybe v4) the 
requirements changed such that we only support MySQL.

You should be able to mysqldump your database and import it (hopefully 
with no or only minor edits) to MySQL 8.

Hope that helps,
  - Barry

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