[ixpmanager] Grapher not working after distupgrade

Nick Hilliard nick at foobar.org
Fri May 7 12:55:43 IST 2021

Elisa Jasinska wrote on 07/05/2021 12:40:
> AHA! Yep it's RRD's. I think it's the multiple versions of PHP messing 
> with me here... for php-rrd I got:
>     php-rrd is already the newest version
> But for php7.4-rrd
>     The following NEW packages will be installed:
>        php7.4-rrd
> it installed and graphs are showing now! Yay!

This can happen if you run a dist-upgrade on ubuntu with the 
ppa:ondrej/php repository enabled.  This PPA is necessary for ubuntu 
18.04 and previous versions.

To get to the correct PHP config on ubuntu 16.04, you'll need to do 
something like the following:

> # add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
> # apt update
> # apt dist-ugprade
> # apt autoremove
> # apt install -qy apache2 php7.4 php7.4-intl php-rrd php7.4-cgi php7.4-cli          \
>     php7.4-snmp php7.4-curl  php-memcached libapache2-mod-php7.4 mysql-server     \
>     mysql-client php7.4-mysql memcached snmp php7.4-mbstring php7.4-xml php7.4-gd \
>     php7.4-bcmath php7.4-rrd bgpq3 php-memcache unzip php7.4-zip git php-yaml                \
>     php-ds libconfig-general-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl mrtg  libconfig-general-perl \
>     libnetaddr-ip-perl rrdtool librrds-perl curl composer
> # apt purge \*php5\* \*php7.0\* \*php7.1\* \*php7.2\* \*php8.0\*

Note that the purge command is going to delete other packages which 
depend on PHP, including composer, rrdtool and a pile of others. If it 
does, then use the apt install command above to reinstall what's needed 
for IXP Manager.  Or make a manual note of what packages you need to 
explicitly reinstall.

When all this is done, the output of "dpkg -l | grep php" should only 
contain references to php-* and php7.4-*.

Also, we carefully run the following command from time to time, in order 
to get rid of stale versions of old php packages:

# dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}' | xargs apt purge

note: do a backup before running this because if you have older versions 
of myql5 lying around, it may ask you if you want to purge your mysql 
database (not recommended).


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