[ixpmanager] [Peering matrix] Life time of bgp sessions

Manel Perez manel.perez at csuc.cat
Thu Dec 16 14:31:13 GMT 2021

Hello Barry,

I made some check.

1)  I Changed the time from 7 days to 14 days. Then I saw more "green's" in peering matrix, but I still saw some asymmetric values.
2)  I Changed the time from 14 days to 28 days. I only saw one different value. In my opinion, that is normal.

I believe that ports capacity higher than 10 Gbps is difficult to catch sflow (bgp traffic), then there are only two solutions:
 - increase the sflow rate, but that could be dangerous.
 - Increase longer interval peering matrix (it works for us)

I think it's easy to change it but could be a new good feature.

Thanks for the support

Manel Pérez
De: Barry O'Donovan (INEX) <barry.odonovan at inex.ie>
Enviat el: dijous, 16 de desembre de 2021 15:00
Per a: Manel Perez <manel.perez at csuc.cat>
A/c: INEX IXP Manager Users Mailing List <ixpmanager at inex.ie>
Tema: Re: [ixpmanager] [Peering matrix] Life time of bgp sessions

Great, thanks for the update Manel.

If you find that a longer interval is better, just let me know. I don't see any major negative to bumping to somewhere between 14 and 28 days for example. I could also make this configurable.

 - Barry

Manel Perez wrote on 15/12/2021 16:11:
Hello Barry,

Thanks for the github link, it's just what we need 🙂

In our case we are seeing asymmetric values in peering matrix, let me check if I increase this value the behavior improve.

Best regards


De: Barry O'Donovan (INEX) <barry.odonovan at inex.ie><mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie>
Enviat el: dimecres, 15 de desembre de 2021 16:07
Per a: INEX IXP Manager Users Mailing List <ixpmanager at inex.ie><mailto:ixpmanager at inex.ie>; Manel Perez <manel.perez at csuc.cat><mailto:manel.perez at csuc.cat>
Tema: Re: [ixpmanager] [Peering matrix] Life time of bgp sessions

Hi Manel,

does this help:

https://docs.ixpmanager.org/features/peering-matrix/ ?

In terms of when we would have had to detect a BGP session via sflow sampling - it would need to be within the last 7 days per:


I'm open to suggestions that this should be longer?

 - Barry

Manel Perez wrote on 13/12/2021 09:10:
Hello ixpmanager team,

My name is Manel from CATNIX, since 2018 we are using the peering matrix in CATNIX. Thank you for your work.

I'm wondering what is the reload time of the peering ip-mapping matrix (red-green in peering matrix) and if this time can be changed. I have inspected the code but have not been able to find it.

Thank you in advance

--Manel Pérez

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Kind regards,
Barry O'Donovan

+353 1 531 3339


Kind regards,
Barry O'Donovan

+353 1 531 3339

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