[ixpmanager] Error mapping during migration

willy.konga at gabix.ga willy.konga at gabix.ga
Tue Mar 31 00:26:33 IST 2020


In the hope that everyone is doing well, I am writing to you today to submit the following problem to you: during the migration process from ixpmanager v5.4.0 to v5.5.0 I encountered the following problem at the time execution of the order 
./artisan doctrine: schema: validate . I encounter the following error: 

Validating for default entity manager... 
[Mapping] FAIL - The entity-class 'Entities\TrafficDailyPhysInt' mapping is invalid: 

* The association Entities\TrafficDailyPhysInt#PhysicalInterface refers to the inverse side field Entities\PhysicalInterface#TrafficDailiesPhysInt which does not exist. 
[Database] OK - The database schema is in sync with the mapping files. 

While everything seems to be working fine, should I be concerned about this error? Im running my ixpmanager on ubuntu 16.04. 



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