[ixpmanager] ixf member-export failing

Barry O'Donovan barry.odonovan at inex.ie
Thu Mar 12 16:42:47 GMT 2020

Jay Hanke wrote on 12/03/2020 16:40:
>> There are a number of required steps to fully configure this:
>> https://docs.ixpmanager.org/features/ixf-export/#preparing-the-ix-f-member-export
> Looks like I'm missing the ix-f ID. I'll get that going.


> Is there a way to filter the output to route server clients only in
> the API? When I switched to 5.1 arouteserver started trying to
> generate a session to the route server kicking back the config.

Not as it stands. It's JSON so it would be easy to wrap it and filter it 
yourself in a tiny PHP script.

If you want to open a feature request on Github please do. It sounds 
fairly easy to implement with a GET parameter.

  - barry

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