[ixpmanager] Birdseye Looking Glass error version.

Ikusan Charles c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng
Mon Apr 13 15:17:01 IST 2020

Hello Edrich,

Thanks for your mail.

The bird2 generated it and I transferred it to the bird.conf

[Ikusan Charles](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gpo15)	[gpo15]Warm Regards, Ikusan Charles A. Network Engineer / Monitoring | Internet eXchange Point of Nigeria IXPN Office: 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broad Street, Marina, Lagos. Phone:+234 (0)700 CALL-IXPN, +234 (0)8035606131, +234 (0)8093878116 [www.ixp.net.ng](http://www.ixp.net.ng/) | noc at ixp.net.ng | www.twitter.com/IXPN_NG | www.facebook.com/IXPNigeria

On April 13, 2020 at 13:57 GMT, Edrich de Lange <edd at edd.za.net> wrote:

I remember having an issue like this where I helped someone else install,
And turned out something odd with the binaries they used. Once I compiled from scratch, things started working.

Are you using the bird2 binaries or self compiled?

Kind regards

On 13 Apr 2020, at 13:27, Ikusan Charles Abimbola wrote:

Dear Nick,

Thanks for your response.

This is a new installation we are working and soon be deployed before the end of next month.

I have the below standardise time formats include but shows the same version error.

Is there anything I'm not putting right this time?



------ Original Message ------
From: "Nick Hilliard (INEX)" <nick at inex.ie>
To: "INEX IXP Manager Users Mailing List" <ixpmanager at inex.ie>; "Ikusan Charles" <c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>
Sent: 12-Apr-20 10:06:22 PM
Subject: Re: [ixpmanager] Birdseye Looking Glass error version.

Hi Charles,

if I remember correctly, you're not using the RS configuration template which is packaged with IXP Manager. This makes it impossible to support properly because birdseye depends on the protocol names which IXP Manager uses.

When I took at look at this with Jacob last year, your configuration was missing the following:

# standardise time formats:
timeformat base iso long;
timeformat log iso long;
timeformat protocol iso long;
timeformat route iso long;
So the first thing to do would be to make sure your config includes this.

After that, the only advice we can give you is to aim towards migrating your members to using IRRDB for routing, and then you can implement the IXP Manager template, which will give you a pile of powerful features.


[Ikusan Charles](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
12 April 2020 at 15:22

Hello ixpmanager,

I have installed the Birdseye Looking Glass but it complains of version error.

See attached file for more details.

[Ikusan Charles](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gntli)	[gntli]
Warm Regards,

Ikusan Charles A.

Network Engineer / Monitoring | Internet eXchange Point of Nigeria IXPN

Office: 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broad Street, Marina, Lagos.

Phone:+234 (0)700 CALL-IXPN, +234 (0)8035606131, +234 (0)8093878116

[www.ixp.net.ng](http://www.ixp.net.ng/) | noc at ixp.net.ng | www.twitter.com/IXPN_NG | www.facebook.com/IXPNigeria

On April 12, 2020 at 10:40 GMT, Ikusan Charles Abimbola <c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng> wrote:

INEX IXP Manager mailing list
ixpmanager at inex.ie
Unsubscribe or change options here: https://www.inex.ie/mailman/listinfo/ixpmanager

[Ikusan Charles Abimbola](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
12 April 2020 at 11:38
Dear Barry,

You are very right. There is no way php5 version can work with php73 environment. I believe php73-mbstring did the magic.

Thanks for opening my mind to see this correlation.

Happy Easter :) :-)


[Barry O'Donovan](mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie)
12 April 2020 at 10:15
Hi Charles.

The installation of the php5 version of memcache in a php73 environment is not correct. The can exist side by side but one would not be used by the other. Maybe it was the addition of php73-mbstring that fixed your issue?

Just for the benefit of anyone searching the archives in the future, the
manual installation instructions contain the following note:

In fact we provide a complete installation script for this - see the
automated installation page for details. If you have any issues with
the manual installation, the automated script should be your first
reference to compare what you are doing to what we recommend.

Which is to say that if you choose the manual installation route, then the installation script at:


is a wonderful resource for comparing how you're installing IXP Manager versus what the script we provide does. Sometimes stepping through the script will help solve you issues.

- Barry

Ikusan Charles wrote on 11/04/2020 22:09:
Dear Barry,

Thanks for your response.

Surely, I will be glad to share with the community how I got it

I found out that my php.* seems to be having issues.


I ran "dpkg-reconfigure php7.3-mysql" to reconfigure the package, it
was successfully installed but no effect.

I also ran "php -m" to see the lists available.

Lastly, I noticed that some packages are not fully installed, I
checked IXP Manager to reconfigure all the packages required to
install ixpmanager with dpkg-reconfigure.

/dpkg-reconfigure apache2 php7.3 php7.3-intl php-rrd php7.3-cgi
php7.3 /

/-cli php7.3-snmp php7.3-curl php-memcached libapache2-mod-php7.3 mysql-server m /

/ysql-client php7.3-mysql memcached snmp php7.3-mbstring php7.3-xml php7.3-gd php /

/7.3-bcmath php-gettext bgpq3 php-memcache unzip php7.3-zip git
php-yaml php-ds l /

/ibconfig-general-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl mrtg libconfig-general-perl
libnetaddr /

/-ip-perl rrdtool librrds-perl curl/

I noticed some packages were not installing like *php7.3-cli
php7.3-cgi. *I uninstalled and installed the php* anew.

memcached is also seen to be missing whenever I tried to generate a graph. I installed memcached with

*apt-get install php5-memcache*

*apt install php7.3-mbstring*

*service apache2 restart*

Immediately I installed this, tada! ixpmanager webpage re-opened and
works perfectly.

*Ikusan Charles* [<https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gmhs7>](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gmhs7)

Warm Regards,

Ikusan Charles A.

Network Engineer / Monitoring | Internet eXchange Point of Nigeria

Office: 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broad Street, Marina, Lagos.

Phone:+234 (0)700 CALL-IXPN, +234 (0)8035606131, +234 (0)8093878116

www.ixp.net.ng |noc at ixp.net.ng |www.twitter.com/IXPN_NG

On April 11, 2020 at 14:47 GMT, Barry O Donovan
<barry.odonovan at inex.ie [<mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie>](mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie)> wrote:

Hi Charles,

glad you got it sorted.

Is there anything worth sharing on your resolution that would benefit
a future user with a similar issue searching the archives?

Thanks, - Barry

Ikusan Charles wrote on 10/04/2020 22:04:
Hello Barry,

I was able to resolve the issue by working around it.

Thanks for your support.



*Ikusan Charles* [<https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gkmvp>](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gkmvp)
gkmvp [<https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gkmvp%3E%09gkmvp>](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gkmvp%3E%09gkmvp)

Warm Regards,

Ikusan Charles A.

Network Engineer / Monitoring | Internet eXchange Point of
Nigeria IXPN

Office: 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broad Street, Marina, Lagos.

Phone:+234 (0)700 CALL-IXPN, +234 (0)8035606131, +234

www.ixp.net.ng [<http://www.ixp.net.ng>](http://www.ixp.net.ng) |noc at ixp.net.ng
[<mailto:noc at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:noc at ixp.net.ng) |www.twitter.com/IXPN_NG |www.facebook.com/IXPNigeria

On April 10, 2020 at 13:44 GMT, Ikusan Charles
<c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)>> wrote:


*Ikusan Charles* [<https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gk2k0>](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gk2k0)
gk2k0 [<https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gk2k0%3E%09gk2k0>](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gk2k0%3E%09gk2k0)

Warm Regards,

Ikusan Charles A.

Network Engineer / Monitoring | Internet eXchange Point of
Nigeria IXPN

Office: 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broad Street, Marina, Lagos.

Phone:+234 (0)700 CALL-IXPN, +234 (0)8035606131, +234

www.ixp.net.ng [<http://www.ixp.net.ng>](http://www.ixp.net.ng) |noc at ixp.net.ng
[<mailto:noc at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:noc at ixp.net.ng) |www.twitter.com/IXPN_NG |www.facebook.com/IXPNigeria

On April 10, 2020 at 13:39 GMT, Barry O Donovan <barry.odonovan at inex.ie [<mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie>](mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie)
<mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie [<mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie>](mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie)>>

Can you share the errors and traces from storage/logs/laravel.log
on https://pastebin.ibn.ie/ ?

- Barry

Ikusan Charles Abimbola wrote on 10/04/2020 14:01:
Hi Nick,

I have done it but same error.

*/ixpnmanager:/srv/ixpmanager# dpkg --get-selections | grep
-i php/*
libapache2-mod-php7.3 install php-cgi
install php-cli-prompt install php-common install php-composer-ca-bundle install php-composer-semver install php-composer-spdx-licenses install php-ds
install php-gettext install php-igbinary install php-json-schema install php-mbstring install php-memcache install php-memcached install php-msgpack install php-pear
install php-php-gettext install php-psr-log install php-rrd
install php-symfony-console install php-symfony-debug install php-symfony-filesystem install php-symfony-finder install php-symfony-polyfill-mbstring install php-symfony-process install php-xml
install php-yaml install php7.3 install php7.3-bcmath install php7.3-cgi install php7.3-cli install php7.3-common install php7.3-curl install php7.3-gd
install php7.3-intl install php7.3-json install php7.3-mbstring install *_php7.3-mysql install_*

root at ixpnmanager [<mailto:root at ixpnmanager>](mailto:root at ixpnmanager)
<mailto:root at ixpnmanager [<mailto:root at ixpnmanager>](mailto:root at ixpnmanager)>:/srv/ixpmanager#
apt install php7.3-mysql
Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading
state information... Done php7.3-mysql is already the newest
version (7.3.16-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1). 0 upgraded, 0
newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

------ Original Message ------ From: "Nick Hilliard (INEX)"
<nick at inex.ie [<mailto:nick at inex.ie>](mailto:nick at inex.ie)
<mailto:nick at inex.ie [<mailto:nick at inex.ie>](mailto:nick at inex.ie)> <mailto:nick at inex.ie
[<mailto:nick at inex.ie>](mailto:nick at inex.ie) <mailto:nick at inex.ie [<mailto:nick at inex.ie>](mailto:nick at inex.ie)>>>
To: "Ikusan Charles Abimbola" <c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng
[<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)>
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Sent: 10-Apr-20 1:01:56 PM Subject: Re: [ixpmanager] IXP Manager
Error [.php]

Hi Charles,

looks like there's a problem with your PHP installation: PDOconnection.php "could not find driver" means that the
mysql package
is not installed properly.

Can you make sure that you have the php-mysql package
installed using
the "dpkg -l" command? It should return something like the

ixpmanager:/home/nick# dpkg -l | grep 'php.*mysql' ii
php7.3-mysql 7.3.5-1+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
amd64 MySQL
module for PHP ixpmanager:/home/nick#

Ikusan Charles Abimbola <mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng
[<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)>>
10 April 2020 at 10:35 Dear Support,

I have successfully installed ixp manager and added members
from one
of our locations with their graphs generated via MRTG.

Recently, I experienced this error as I wanted to add more

I need your assistance to resolve it.



_______________________________________________ INEX IXP
Manager mailing list ixpmanager at inex.ie
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<mailto:ixpmanager at inex.ie [<mailto:ixpmanager at inex.ie>](mailto:ixpmanager at inex.ie)>
Unsubscribe or change options here: https://www.inex.ie/mailman/listinfo/ixpmanager Ikusan
Charles <mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng
[<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)>>
5 April 2020 at 19:09 Hello Chris,

It works like magic!

Wow!! 😎👍

*Ikusan Charles*

[<https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gb5h6%3E>](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gb5h6%3E) gb5h6



Warm Regards,

Ikusan Charles A.

Network Engineer / Monitoring | Internet eXchange Point of
Nigeria IXPN

Office: 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broad Street, Marina,

Phone:+234 (0)700 CALL-IXPN, +234 (0)8035606131, +234

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On April 5, 2020 at 17:58 GMT, Ikusan Charles
<c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)>
<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)>>>

_______________________________________________ INEX IXP
Manager mailing list ixpmanager at inex.ie
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Unsubscribe or change options here: https://www.inex.ie/mailman/listinfo/ixpmanager Ikusan
Charles <mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng
[<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng [<mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng>](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)>>
5 April 2020 at 18:58 Hello Chris,

I will try it and get back to you.

*Ikusan Charles*

[<https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gb4ym%3E>](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gb4ym%3E) gb4ym



Warm Regards,

Ikusan Charles A.

Network Engineer / Monitoring | Internet eXchange Point of
Nigeria IXPN

Office: 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broad Street, Marina,

Phone:+234 (0)700 CALL-IXPN, +234 (0)8035606131, +234

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On April 5, 2020 at 15:23 GMT, Chris Malayter
<mustang at terahertz.net [<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net>](mailto:mustang at terahertz.net)
<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net [<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net>](mailto:mustang at terahertz.net)>
<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net [<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net>](mailto:mustang at terahertz.net)
<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net [<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net>](mailto:mustang at terahertz.net)>>>

_______________________________________________ INEX IXP
Manager mailing list ixpmanager at inex.ie
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Malayter <mailto:mustang at terahertz.net
[<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net>](mailto:mustang at terahertz.net)
<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net [<mailto:mustang at terahertz.net>](mailto:mustang at terahertz.net)>>
5 April 2020 at 16:22 Turn off ipv6 when you’re trying to get
that php repository.

_______________________________________________ INEX IXP
Manager mailing list ixpmanager at inex.ie
[<mailto:ixpmanager at inex.ie>](mailto:ixpmanager at inex.ie)
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Nishal Goburdhan <mailto:nishal at controlfreak.co.za
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<mailto:nishal at controlfreak.co.za
[<mailto:nishal at controlfreak.co.za>](mailto:nishal at controlfreak.co.za)>>
5 April 2020 at 12:03 On 5 Apr 2020, at 12:37, Ikusan Charles

if you scroll down, and read the notes in the PPA (https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php),
[<https://launchpad.net/%7Eondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php%29,%3E>](https://launchpad.net/%7Eondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php%29,%3E) the
solution is

WARNING: add-apt-repository is broken with non-UTF-8
locales, see
https://github.com/oerdnj/deb.sury.org/issues/56 for

-n. _______________________________________________ INEX IXP
Manager mailing list ixpmanager at inex.ie
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_______________________________________________ INEX IXP Manager
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Kind regards, Barry O'Donovan INEX Operations

https://www.inex.ie/support/ +353 1 531 3339

_______________________________________________ INEX IXP Manager
mailing list ixpmanager at inex.ie [<mailto:ixpmanager at inex.ie>](mailto:ixpmanager at inex.ie) Unsubscribe or change options here:


Kind regards, Barry O'Donovan INEX Operations

https://www.inex.ie/support/ +353 1 531 3339

[Ikusan Charles](mailto:c.ikusan at ixp.net.ng)
11 April 2020 at 22:09

Dear Barry,

Thanks for your response.

Surely, I will be glad to share with the community how I got it sorted.

I found out that my php.* seems to be having issues.


I ran "dpkg-reconfigure php7.3-mysql" to reconfigure the package, it was successfully installed but no effect.

I also ran "php -m" to see the lists available.

Lastly, I noticed that some packages are not fully installed, I checked IXP Manager to reconfigure all the packages required to install ixpmanager with dpkg-reconfigure.

dpkg-reconfigure apache2 php7.3 php7.3-intl php-rrd php7.3-cgi php7.3

-cli php7.3-snmp php7.3-curl php-memcached libapache2-mod-php7.3 mysql-server m

ysql-client php7.3-mysql memcached snmp php7.3-mbstring php7.3-xml php7.3-gd php

7.3-bcmath php-gettext bgpq3 php-memcache unzip php7.3-zip git php-yaml php-ds l

ibconfig-general-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl mrtg libconfig-general-perl libnetaddr

-ip-perl rrdtool librrds-perl curl

I noticed some packages were not installing like php7.3-cli php7.3-cgi. I uninstalled and installed the php* anew.

memcached is also seen to be missing whenever I tried to generate a graph. I installed memcached with

apt-get install php5-memcache

apt install php7.3-mbstring

service apache2 restart

Immediately I installed this, tada! ixpmanager webpage re-opened and works perfectly.

[Ikusan Charles](https://spikenow.com/r/a/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=gmhs7)	[gmhs7]
Warm Regards,

Ikusan Charles A.

Network Engineer / Monitoring | Internet eXchange Point of Nigeria IXPN

Office: 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broad Street, Marina, Lagos.

Phone:+234 (0)700 CALL-IXPN, +234 (0)8035606131, +234 (0)8093878116

[www.ixp.net.ng](http://www.ixp.net.ng/) | noc at ixp.net.ng | www.twitter.com/IXPN_NG | www.facebook.com/IXPNigeria

On April 11, 2020 at 14:47 GMT, Barry O Donovan <barry.odonovan at inex.ie> wrote:

INEX IXP Manager mailing list
ixpmanager at inex.ie
Unsubscribe or change options here: https://www.inex.ie/mailman/listinfo/ixpmanager

[Barry O'Donovan](mailto:barry.odonovan at inex.ie)
11 April 2020 at 15:46
Hi Charles,

glad you got it sorted.

Is there anything worth sharing on your resolution that would benefit a future user with a similar issue searching the archives?

- Barry


INEX IXP Manager mailing list
ixpmanager at inex.ie
Unsubscribe or change options here: https://www.inex.ie/mailman/listinfo/ixpmanager
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