[ixpmanager] IPv6 and IXP Manager 5

Jan Ferré Jan.Ferre at i2.dk
Tue Nov 12 09:21:30 GMT 2019

Hi all

New to v5 but IXP Manager is active at DIX (Danish Internet Exchange).

We do like to have the IPv6-address at a /64 - using some scheme
::0:<AShigh>:<ASlow>:<the IPv4>:0 for the individual users.

Now I don't claim this is very wise! But this is what was decided 10
years ago.

Using a /64-address at a vlan is not permitted as the Manager seems to
fold it out to have a table with optional adresses. That's quite fair,
you don't want this size of table.

Is it possible to permit entering a /64 - simply as a reminder what is
the preamble for the network? In our case the old VLAN should be
2001:7F8:1F::/64 while I guess the new ones will be 2001:7F8:1F:1500:/64
and 2001:7F8:1F:9000:/64 (signalling the MTU on those new ones.

Luckily the Manager permits entering adresses manually for the
individual peering partners - still the reminder/documentation of the
preamble would be nice.

Best regards

Jan Ferré

Jan Ferré (JF6044-RIPE)| i2 | Head of Network Operations
Jan.Ferre at i2.dk | +45 2160 8012 | +45 35 888 225
i2 | DTU | Asmussens Allé bld 304 | DK-2800 Lyngby 

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