[ixpmanager] Using birdwatcher API instead of birdseye

Andrius Lisikas andrius.lisikas at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 09:06:34 IST 2018


I was testing IXP manager's looking glass and it seems to work fine
with birdseye API, however, I wanted to test it out with the
alternative version birdwatcher API which is based on birdseye API.
IXPManager seems to at least be able to list route servers as "active"
which are using birdwatcher API, however when trying to view bgp
protocols of those specific router servers it encounters symfony
rendering errors. I know that only birdseye is officially supported
but since birdwatcher is using the same API logic maybe it could be
easily implemented as well?  Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

Rendering errors:

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