[ixpmanager] Upgrades, permissions, sudos, etc.

Barry O'Donovan barry.odonovan at inex.ie
Mon Jan 29 12:22:39 GMT 2018

Mike Hammett wrote:
> When doing a
> ----
> sudo -u www-data bash -c "HOME=${IXPHOME}/storage && cd ${IXPHOME} &&
> bower --config.interactive=false -f update"
> ----
> bower                                            EACCES EACCES:
> permission denied, unlink

The basic requirements are as per:


which is:

chown -R www-data: var/ storage/ bootstrap/cache/ database/Proxies/
chmod -R u+rwX var/ storage/ bootstrap/cache/ database/Proxies/

If you want to run bower as www-data, you'll also need to:

chown -R www-data: public/bower_components
chmod -R u+rwX public/bower_components

I'll update the docs to include this.

 - Barry

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