[ixpmanager] Looking Glass Tables

Nick Hilliard nick at inex.ie
Tue Sep 12 17:18:25 IST 2017

Kyle Spencer wrote:
> In the Looking Glass, the "table" field of each customer is different.
> In the INEX example (https://www.inex.ie/ixp/lg/as112-lan1-ipv4) this
> value is set to "master" for all customers. What is this and does the
> value matter?

For AS112 and Route Collector profiles, only the master table should be
visible in the looking glass.  If you're seeing t_* tables in there,
you've got them misconfigured with a route-server profile.

For the route server profile, each of these tables corresponds to the
Adj-RIB-Out documented in section 2.3.1 / 2.3.2 of RFC7947.  On a route
server, each BGP client which connects into the route server needs its
own BGP table in order to correctly calculate which routes should be
sent to it. You can configure up a route server with only a single BGP
table (= master), but it will break in certain circumstances.


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