[ixpmanager] Bug in rendering of the Router screen

Mark Prior mrp at mrp.net
Wed Oct 18 11:55:27 IST 2017

On 18/10/17 19:21, Barry O'Donovan wrote:

> Nothing to do with the framework - (assuming the issue is what I think
> it is) this is 100% client / browser side and it'll either fail silently
> or your encryption icon in the URL bar will be non-green / non-okay. 

I'm using Firefox and it doesn't tip you off unless you look at the
browser console as the lock stays green. If you click on the site
information icon it will tell you that it hasn't loaded stuff but there
is no change to the icon to tip you off to look there.

If you do look at the browser console it will tell you that 'Loading
failed for the <script> with source "..."' but you need to scroll back
to get to the block of diagnostics that say 'Blocked loading mixed
active content "..."'.

Perhaps the best you can do is note it explicitly in the documentation
although it would be nice if it worked with a relative URI rather than
define $APP_URL?

If you set APP_URL to "" you get the missing CSS problem with the
following diagnostics

The resource from
was blocked due to MIME type mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options:
nosniff).[Learn More]  list
Loading failed for the <script> with source

Of potential interest to you, there are two reference errors reported.

ReferenceError: $ is not defined list:545:9
ReferenceError: $ is not defined list:554:9


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