[ixpmanager] Force10 S4810 support for update-l2database.pl

Barry O'Donovan barry.odonovan at inex.ie
Tue Sep 17 13:46:52 IST 2013

On 17/09/13 13:37, Nick Hilliard wrote:
> Need to check out either P-BRIDGE-MIB, or else per-vlan BRIDGE-MIB support
> (hence the question about what vlan Thorleif is running under).  Either
> way, the script needs to be updated to do this on a per vlan basis, which
> isn't there at the moment - this is probably the root cause of the problem.

I don't think so - from the SNMP dump it looks like the switch does not 
support BRIDGE-MIB - there is no .* tree there nor do I 
see any MAC address entries besides those of the ports themselves.

Thorlief - can you confirm with your upstream vendor support whether 
P-BRIDGE-MIB or per-vlan BRIDGE-MIB is supported?

  - Barry

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