[ixpmanager] sflow daemon

Nick Hilliard nick at inex.ie
Wed Nov 13 11:29:44 GMT 2013

> Now I am collecting data, I will see if I can display it.

It's very unlikely that you'll see anything in the graphs at the moment
because of the way that the EX boxes handle sflow data.  In order to get
this to work, the l2database mappings needs to correspond to the snmp
interface IDs where the sflow data will appear to come from.  This means
that we (i.e. barry/me) need to fix the underlying problem of how to handle
juniper's interface presentation in snmp.  We're trying to figure out how
to do this in such a way that it works properly with the existing database
structure and doesn't involve ugly kludges or one-time hacks.


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